Hitting the Gym can Make You a Better Entrepreneur

Hitting the Gym can Make You a Better Entrepreneur


GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

521 week ago — 4 min read

If you’re a budding entrepreneur and don’t hit the gym, you’re losing out on two things. One is that you’re not in shape and second, you’re losing out on some really good lessons on Entrepreneurship.

Don’t believe us? Just read on.


  1. Start
    The most difficult part about working out is actually entering the gym. You can talk all about how pumped up you are to burn those calories but unless you don’t really enter the gym and do that first push-up, all your planning is practically useless. Similarly planning a great startup but not putting it into action is just a mere waste of time. Remember you’ll never reach a milestone unless you walk towards it, so stop thinking and just do it.

  2. Commitment
    There’s only one thing that’s going to make you want to go back to the gym and that’s commitment. No matter how your day has been, if you’re committed then you will make your way to the gym. Your journey as an entrepreneur is not going to be easy and there will be days when you feel like quitting but it’s your commitment that will not let you give up. Passion and Commitment are a deadly mix, giving you enough juice to survive the tough waters.

  3. Push Yourself
    Your gym instructor will never ask you stop at the 10th pushup, he will push you for more. But those extra 2 pushups will only happen if you push yourself to the task. In the world of Entrepreneurship too, you can never stop at a point, you have to push yourself to the next level. Don’t stop if you’ve already met the target for the quarter; push yourself a little more to juice out the lemon even more. You need to evolve and always accept change to become a stronger, more experienced entrepreneur.

  4. Don’t overdo it
    A day off gym is needed to give your muscles some rest or else you will risk burn out. The same applies to your Entrepreneurship journey, you need to take breaks from your startups and take a vacation. ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’, you don’t want to be Jack now do you? A good vacation can rejuvenate you and give you more endurance to go through the highs and lows of your Entrepreneurial journey, so a break it isn’t such a bad deal after all.

  5. Learn from your mistakes
    There’s always a risk of injury when you do an exercise incorrectly but that should not stop you. At this point you should observe, learn and then ensure you do it correctly. You will make mistakes in your Entrepreneurial journey but that should not stop you at any cost. Learn from your mistakes and ensure you don’t repeat it. A successful entrepreneur is a master of learning from his mistakes.

  6. Review your goals
    You’ll always find yourself once in a while on the weighing scale to figure out how much closer you are to your goal. Entrepreneurs need to do this often. It’s great to understand where you’ve reached in your plan so that you can evaluate if you need to pace up or slow down. Take a moment to cherish your achievements; this will do wonders in boosting your confidence.

  7. Food
    Just like you need good food to compliment your workout you need good knowledge to complement your entrepreneur journey. Read up on articles, ideas and different stories on entrepreneurship will help your learning process and make you a better entrepreneur.

After reading this you wouldn’t really be surprised to know that most famous entrepreneurs love hitting the gym. We wish you luck with your entrepreneurial journey and hope you push up in the business world. If you do learn anything new regarding entrepreneurship at the gym, feel free to share it through the comments section below.


Article Source:http://bigrock.com/blog/sme/hitting-the-gym-can-make-you-a-better-entrepreneur

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