Weekly Trade Alert: 4 July – 11 July 2019

Weekly Trade Alert: 4 July – 11 July 2019

Trade Alerts

Federation of Indian Export Organisations

Federation of Indian Export Organisations

298 week ago — 11 min read

Here is a comprehensive update of developments from India’s foreign trade during 4 – 11 July 2019.


1. Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) published following:





  • Advance authorisations shall not be issued, where import item is ’’pulses and/or ’’Peas’’ of any kind, which is under restricted/prohibited/State Trading Enterprises (STE) lists - Public Notice No. 17/2015-2020 dated 04 July 2019.


  • The date for implementation of Track and Trace system for export of drug formulations with respect to maintaining the Parent-Child relationship in packaging levels and its uploading on Central Portal has been extended upto 01.04.2020 for both SSI and non SSI manufactured drugs - Public Notice No. 16/2015-2020 dated 04 July 2019.


2. Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) published following:






  • Amending notification No 57/2017-Customs dated 30th June, 2017 to explicitly exclude the specified electronic items from scope of entry at S.No.6A of the notification and to provide the effective rates on other goods - Notification No. 24/2019-Cus dated 06 July 2019.








  • Exempted crude petroleum oil produced in specified oil fields under production sharing contracts or in the exploration blocks offered under the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) through international competitive bidding - Notification No. 06/2019-CE dated 06 July 2019.








3. Cambodia: Notification on the implementation of the application process for export licenses - Import and certificate of gemstones not processed through a single standby system - published on 01 Jul 2019.


4. Malaysia: Fisheries (Control of Endangered Species of Fish) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 - Attorney General’s Chambers published P.U. (A) 187/201 dated 08 July 2019.


5. Vietnam: List of food testing establishments serving state management (Click here)verifying and testing establishments for state management  and imported food inspection agencies approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade until July 2019 - published on 11 July 2019.


6. South Korea published:




7. Japan: Amends MRLs of numerous active ingredients -Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare dated 27 June 2019.


8. EU: Guidance document on the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 laying down requirements for feed hygiene - notice published on 05 July 2019.


9. Denmark: Order on import of cannabis products and production of cannabis intermediates - Ministry of health and the elderly published BEK no. 694 dated 5 July 2019 .


10. Belarus: Approves regulations on the state veterinary service – published on 08 July 2019.


11. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USA Establishes an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of



12. Health Canada:


  • Published list of Permitted Food Additives to enable the use of Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose, Steviol Glycosides as Sweeteners, and Potassium Phosphate, dibasic as a Stabilizer, in Certain Standardized Flavoured Milks - Notice No. NOM/ADM-0133 dated 27 June 2019.


13. Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks, Mexico published:




14. South Africa:



15. Chile: Amends list of food additives effective from January 3, 2020 - Ministry of Health published on 03 July 2019.


16. Jordan notifies:



17. The MFN / pref. tariff of Malaysia has been updated on the Indian Trade Portal - www.indiantradeportal.in.


18. A section titled "Alerts on SPS/TBT measures” has been created on the Indian Trade Portal. List of SPS/TBT measures announced by various countries is available in the section. A provision to search measures product/country-wise and to submit representation against the alerts is also available under the section.

19. Please visit the “Trade/Tender Queries” section on the Indian Trade Portal regularly for the latest business opportunity in the international market. The section is being updated by the Indian missions abroad.

Please feel free to send us your feedback/suggestion on the Indian Trade Portal on csom@fieo.org. Your inputs will help us to make the portal more informative and useful.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views, official policy or position of GlobalLinker.  


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Federation of Indian Export Organisations

FIEO is the apex international trade promotion organisation of India. Directly and indirectly it represents the interest of over 200,000 exporters in India. FIEO has 17 offices in...